Artwork gallery

All creations here are in creative common license BY-NC-SA

Drawing of a furry character sitting in a pink chair. Orion is a black cat with purple hair, green eyes and pink nose, smiling and wearing a dark green shirt.

Orion sitting in a chair, background is a real life photo. This is my profile picture.

Drawing of two furry characters sitting on a bench. The first on the left is Léon, a grey cat with red hair and the left ear fully black, smiling eyes closed, wearing a pink shirt and leaning on the other furry character. The one on the right is Victor, a fox with the lower half of the head white, smiling, sitting on the side of the bench, wearing a dark green shirt and holding a can of coffee.

Léon and Victor sitting on a bench, background is a real life photo.

Drawing of a furry character, Léon, a grey cat with red hair and the left ear fully black, wearing a pink shirt. They are looking at the books floating beside them in a red blob of magic, while their eyes have a red glow.

Léon making books float with their magic.

Drawing of a furry character, Victor, a fox with the lower half of the head white, smiling, with a blue glow in his eyes, wearing a pink shirt. THe background is a greek temple illusion with blue stripes revealing his bedroom behind the illusion.

Victor, transforming his bedroom into a greek temple with his illusion magic.